Our findings

We are committed to transparency and sharing learning to drive improvement.  Details of our findings and conclusions can be found in the reports listed below.  These reports have been pseudonymised and some details removed in order to protect the identity of the whistleblower and others involved in the process, and ensure compliance with the SPSO Act 2002.

Our investigation reports provide full details of the investigations we have completed, along with an executive summary. They review the evidence that we considered and explain how we made our decision.

Our decision summaries provide information about investigations we have decided to discontinue. They provide a summary of the case and why we decided not to continue with our investigation. Where appropriate, they also include feedback provided to the organisation.

All the information we publish on individual cases is carefully formulated to ensure nobody involved in the case can be identified, either directly or indirectly.

Investigation reports
Report number Organisation  Report date Downloads
202202429 Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board January 2024
202206116 Forth Valley NHS Board September 2023
202107505 Borders NHS Board September 2023
202101686 Tayside NHS Board December 2022
202102821 NHS National Services Scotland August 2022
Decision summaries
Report number Organisation  Report date Download
202208266 Lothian NHS Board January 2024
202204169 Highland NHS Board December 2023
202209445 Tayside NHS Board November 2023
202208070 Western Isles NHS Board October 2023
202205108 Lothian NHS Board August 2023
202200314 Dumfries and Galloway NHS Board April 2023



Updated: January 26, 2024